Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Well, I finished Avatar last night. Thankfully, it is just halfway through season 2 so I didn't have very far to catch up (unlike Naruto which I had 120-some episodes to watch to get current!) For being an original Nickelodeon series, it is truly amazing. Actually, scratch that...it is amazing no matter where is landed a spot. For those who aren't tuned into anime but aren't turned off by animation, i HIGHLY recommend this show!!! It's got a great story, it's hilarious, it's very deep and sensitive, it's silly, it's well..slightly romantic I suppose, and it's just plain enjoyable. From what I've seen I think it's probably fairly predictable, but the journey to the end is so interesting that it really doesn't matter. Like proverbs of the past and any good friend will tell you, it's not the end that matters but the journey to get there. This show totally embraces that philosphy and it actually really works!
So, A few cute icons i found:

Now, frighteningly similar swirly-things (the narutos(fish cakes)/Kohona symbol from Naruto and the Air Nomads symbold!)

Apparently, I really like swirlies :)

And of course, a link to a good Avatar site:


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