Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Making room

Had to find a better place for my new pic ^_^. So, i had to make a post to bump the other one down a bit so I could see what it would really look like.

So umm......Check out the Dilbert blog. It's actually pretty funny tho it is mostly polical/social commentary by Scott Adams :) And of course, don't forget to read the OTH strip daily!!!

I guess that's about it. Hopefully I can get a card this paycheck for my phone so I can transfer pics/movies off of it.

Wow, the clouds are really moving fast. I wonder if that means rain soon...


Blogger Meowdemeow said...

Hey--My blog link has been bumped down two rows by comic strips. What's up with that? If I update more regularly, will I regain my first position? I hope so!

5:32 PM  

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