Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Barbie? What?

Anyone who knows me knows I'm not exactly a fan of Barbie. However, the Barbie movies have quite abit of charm to them. Not always great for being good role models, but the stories are interesting and fun and usually unique retellings of fairy tales.

Princess and the Pauper? That is my favorite. the Princess is a book type (althouh of course unnaturally built with flowing blond hair) who like enjoys, no loves, geology. Now a Barbie who love to read science books and look at rocks? That's kind of cool. And the Pauper, typically, loves to sing and is the twin of the blond Barbie, but with auburn hair. She's cool though, because at the end of the movie she decides not to marry the Prince, but go on tour ^_^. Of course she eventually goes back and marries him, but just that she doesn't right away.

the cool thing about them both is that they don't run away like most heroines who are forced to marry someone they dont know, or work a harsh life. They both feel great responsibiliy and the importance of their duties. The Princess holds her head high and won't complain about marrying a stranger for the good of her people and the Pauper won't let her parents down by faling to repay their debt.

Those are good role models if you ask me..unnatural waist (and hair..the CGI isn't THAT great) and all.

On a similar note, I had a frightening conversation today when I was picking up Tiana. I ran into Presley's mom and she and I and a teacher in their old room were talking about the kids, and she was saying how one of the boys was a real 'ladies man' obviously groomed to be basically ....a know....He hits on the grown ups, apparently gets some girls in the bathroom for some 'real kissing' (tongue? at FRIGGIN FOUR??? That is just sick). Obviously I was concerned so I asked Tiana if she spent time with Grey (yes they do - they play spy with taylor) but she wasn't interesting in a session in the bathroom. I think i realixed she'll probably be a prude like me....not through our parenting but jsut because she will be.

Hooray :)

I'm so not ready for that part of parenting yet....


Blogger Meowdemeow said...

Good for Tiana. She can also be like her auntie in that way. Well, all I can say is that at least Mattel is trying with the whole Barbie thing. I still have mixed feelings. Where are the pictures?

10:19 AM  

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