learning lessons
applying what I've learned from my mistakes with you tube. This video should actually consistantly work :D
Yeah!!!!!!! October 17 is the official release date for the DVD. I CAN'T WAIT!!! Neither can Tiana :)
applying what I've learned from my mistakes with you tube. This video should actually consistantly work :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had to find a better place for my new pic ^_^. So, i had to make a post to bump the other one down a bit so I could see what it would really look like.
Why do I get obsessive? I don't know. Is OTH really as witty as Shrek? No. Is it as hilarious as Madagascar? Maybe. Besides the social commentary of suburban life that I actually quite agree with (the reality of it..) - why have I gone head over heels for the witty raccoon and the superego personified as a turtle?
but something to quote. Sorry, too obssesed with OTH right now to chat...
Shrek 3? Madagascar 2? Possible Over the Hedge 2? Am I in heaven?????? I thought I lost most interest in furrydom, but BAM go see Over the Hedge and there it is, staring me right in the face again :) Let me not forget to say the music is very good in it too. And you know, William Shatner has so embraced his cornines that, well...I thought he was great in this :D
Yes i have created a bit of a mini-me :) I must have been around her age or a tad older when I first watched Watership Down and now the tradition has passed and it is now one of her favorite movies as well. We'll see if she catches on that there is a book and tries to read it in the fourth grade :)
Sometimes I feel a LOT like Sophie. Miyazaki is my hero....
So woohoo, Walter convinced Verizon to send us a phone and put it on our bill, so soon I shall be able to take pics and uplaod them easily again thanks to blutooth, hooray!!! Oh yeah, and I can actually talk to people again too :)
Anyone who knows me knows I'm not exactly a fan of Barbie. However, the Barbie movies have quite abit of charm to them. Not always great for being good role models, but the stories are interesting and fun and usually unique retellings of fairy tales.
I mean really...where would we be without our beloved Muppets. Eh? No Answer? I thought so.